Lily went from exhausted, breaking out, and intermittent fasting + bingeing on the weekends to clearing her symptoms and finding a comfortable balance with food.

“My acne used to be so bad, I would roll over at night and wake up from the pain. I was exhausted, always battling cravings in the afternoon, restricting when I fasted during the day, and overdoing it on the weekends.

Now my skin is totally clear, I have so much energy, I feel comfortable and confident in my body, and I eat regularly throughout the day. More than that, it’s healthy foods that taste good and that I want, so I don’t have insane cravings or binge episodes - that’s my favorite part.

I used to feel guilty and blame myself, now I know that there are other factors at play like my hormones, so I have more grace and forgiveness for my body because I know it’s not just totally about willpower, and most importantly, I know what to do about it.

I feel more in control and more powerful now because I DO know that, when something’s happening to my body like breaking out, I can pinpoint why it’s happening based on what I ate, where I am in my cycle, or how I’ve been taking care of myself. I like knowing WHY, so I can go from there to figure out how to resolve it. I’m so much more in tune with my body.”

— Lily M,
December 2020 Grad

Lily M NAQ

This is Lily’s progress from the start to end of our program (shared with permission, as always).

We read these Nutritional Assessment Symptom graphs from bottom (low priority) to top (high priority)—they’re a representation of how intensely your symptoms are impacting you, and in which areas.

The orange line is where Lily started—highly symptomatic, bad breakouts, exhausted, cravings and bingeing episodes, irregular cycles, and more.

After finishing the Holistic PCOS Method™, the blue line is where Lily ended: clear skin, stable energy and cravings, regular and painless periods, and more.

We couldn’t be more excited for her, or proud!


Rebecca's PCOS Acne Success Story


Sarah's PCOS Pregnancy Success Story