Mariam was our first scholarship recipient, and we feel so grateful to have had the chance to work with her and help her transform her relationship with her body, herself, and her PCOS!
Read more about her experience:

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 14. My periods just stopped and I had a lot of cravings, hirsutism, cystic acne, problems with my digestion, hair loss and all of that.  

The most frustrating part was my missing period, my acne, and cravings. I struggled so much with them and felt like they would never go away.  

I saw a youtube video of a girl who had a really bad hormonal imbalance and she said that she recommended taking the holistic route.

I started searching but then I came across Sam on instagram and I saw the results of other people who did the program and was instantly in awe. I didn't even know this was possible.  

I was in a place where I thought I was losing myself. I hadn't felt that bad physically and mentally for a long time and all I wanted was some sort of guidance.

When I read about the program EVERYTHING Sam said hit something so deep in me that pushed me to contact her.

She is nicest and funniest person ever and will go out of her way to help no matter what—you can ask whatever question because she will never judge.

In my first appointment one of the first things she said was "even if you eat cookies every single day, I swear it's okay and I won't judge".

In the first month of doing this program I found the root cause of my acne and had lost 7 pounds. My cravings had lessened so much and Sam was always there for me.

I would highly recommend this program to anyone with PCOS—it's so worth it.”

- Mariam A., 17
California, USA

Be the next success story.


Lindsay's Holistic PCOS Experience