The Original Holistic PCOS Method™ Success Story

Let’s start here: I’ve had pretty much every single PCOS symptom you could ever have.


The Beginning of My PCOS Journey

I was first diagnosed with PCOS when I was 13 and got my first period on April Fool’s Day for 34 days straight. Some joke Mother Nature was pulling.

I was immediately put on the pill for about a decade, which masked some of my symptoms, but not the breakouts, sugar cravings, and a few more.


10 years later, I decided to quit the pill.

I decided I wanted to see what my body was like “naturally”—part of me believed there was also a chance I’d been misdiagnosed and didn’t really have PCOS.

Boy was I wrong.

When I went off the pill cold turkey and without any preparation, my hormones went haywire.

Every PCOS symptoms you could have? I had it:

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Irregular, heavy, unpredictable periods

  • Sugar cravings so intense, I felt like I was addicted to carbs

  • Deep, cystic acne (that was new and persistent and so embarrassing)

  • Growing facial hair and losing my regular hair

  • Excessive sweating (also new, also embarrassing)

  • Anxiety & sleep problems

  • Serious fatigue + brain fog

  • Stubborn weight gain

I was miserable because of my PCOS. I felt like my body had a mind of its own and was totally irrational and out of control. No matter what I ate, how much I worked out, what supplement I took, or what skincare products I tried, none of my symptoms budged.

I took this picture and sent it to my mom at my rock bottom, crying because I’d spilled an expensive new face serum and felt like nothing was ever going to change. All I wanted was someone to tell me exactly what to do and I would do it—I didn’t care what it is. So at that point, she encouraged me to go see an endocrinologist.

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When I asked the doctor how I could fix my PCOS naturally, he laughed in my face and said, “there is no fixing this” and told me to go back on the pill.


I felt discouraged, hopeless, angry, embarrassed, and frustrated. But I was also determined—I knew I wasn’t the only one who wanted a natural way to regain control over my symptoms. There had to be resources out there that could help me.

So I started researching and trialing different diets, but I felt so overwhelmed by the competing information. No one had all the answers in one place, laid out step-by-step. All I wanted was to cut through the overwhelm and I was willing to do whatever it took.

How I Discovered the Holistic PCOS Method™

Eventually, fed up with the lack of options, I decided to enroll in school to train as a nutritional therapist so I could use food as medicine to heal my PCOS symptoms, and I became my own first client. My skin completely cleared up and I began to lose weight sustainably and healthfully after I cleaned up my (already-healthy) diet and addressed my insulin issues and leaky gut. I learned how to eat food that was good for my PCOS, but that I also enjoyed so I never had to restrict myself. My periods came back regularly as I learned how to manage my stress, and my hair stopped falling out and growing where I didn’t want it as I reduced my androgens and balanced my hormones. I had tons of energy, felt so clear-headed, and was finally excited enough about my life to leave my desk job and take the leap into running my own nutrition business full time…

Trying meat pies in Australia.

Trying meat pies in Australia.

Overlooking the cliffs of Cinque Terre, Italy

Overlooking the cliffs of Cinque Terre, Italy

Exploring Sweden with my best friend

Exploring Sweden with my best friend

Enjoy GF pastries in Paris (YES, Paris  has gluten free bakeries!)

Enjoy GF pastries in Paris (YES, Paris has gluten free bakeries!)

And now, just like our students, I know exactly what to do and how to take care of myself to keep my symptoms in check (and, more importantly, how to get back on the wagon to take care of myself when life inevitably throws me curve balls). Most days, I would forget I even had PCOS…if it weren’t for my job :)

Over the years, I’ve used that experience and also drawn from medical journals, leading research and recommendations in the PCOS field, and mentors and experts to compile the Holistic PCOS Method™—the proven system to help other women get results like mine.

Because I knew from the beginning that I had more options than I was being presented with.

A deep part of me—call it my gut—knew that PCOS didn’t have to hold me back from living the life I wanted to live.

And now, I’m living proof of that.

I have the energy, confidence, and comfort in my own body (despite my diagnosis) to be able to travel the world as a digital nomad, keeping my PCOS under control while I get to live out my wildest dreams and help other PCOSers like you do the same.

And that healing is possible for you too.

Want to learn more? Just click below.

Be the next success story.


Rebecca's PCOS Acne Success Story