Regular periods, weight loss, clear skin, better mood & energy


Paige’s Life Before Holistic PCOS

I was battling with insane carb and sugar cravings, terrible mood swings, and some pretty unpleasant acne.

I felt so overwhelmed by all the conflicting information out there—the internet is a scary place! I felt like I needed sound research and a professional to guide me, and then I found @holistic.PCOS on Instagram.

I felt like Sam showed me that’s it is possible to get control of my PCOS, so I applied, but I just wasn’t sure it would be worth the money yet.

During Our Discovery Call…

I was BLOWN away by how knowledgeable Sam was. She didn't hold back sharing info and jumped in right away to help even though I hadn’t even officially signed up yet. That first call was so helpful, I felt like I HAD to find out what else I would learn in the full program!

It turns out, this program (and Sam) has been the biggest blessing to me!!! I am not sure what I deserved to have her brought into my life, but I am so happy it happened.

Starting the Program

Even after just a few days following the protocol, I felt different.

My cravings immediately lessened, and my next period finally came at a regular time.

And I loved that she guided me through the entire process and took it step by step so that no part is overwhelming.

The modules were broken down into very tangible, concrete portions that you take small pieces from each week and can implement easily.

The Changes & Transformation

My period is regular, I've lost weight (without even focusing on it), my skin is clearer, my mood is better, and my mom even said, "your coaching's made you a better person" ha!! I couldn't even give sass back because I knew she was right. I’m less quick to get irritated and I feel fitter and healthier than I ever have.

My favorite part is that I got an entire system to manage my PCOS that I can implement for the rest of my life!!! I know the root causes of what is happening to me and I can address them—and that’s so empowering.

{Update} After the Program Finished

More than 6 months later, I’m still feeling great and continue to implement everything I learned, which makes a huge difference in my mental and physical health! I reached out to Sam to talk about pregnancy prep with PCOS, and we had another follow-up session where she eased my fears and gave me a ton of info on how to prepare my body for pregnancy and stay safe and healthy. I love that she’s always there for me, even when the program was done!

Would I Recommend It?

YES!! This program will change your life, hire Sam immediately!!!! She is young and with it, so smart and caring, has done unbelievable amounts of research and spent countless hours to put together this program and it is worth every penny.

Paige P.
Nov. 2019 Graduate


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Mel: I didn't realize my "healthy" diet and habits were hurting my PCOS.


Jaida's Road to Getting a Regular Period with PCOS and Learning Self Love